Sunday, September 06, 2009

Sewing... finally

I actually (finally) did some sewing-related activities today. I cut out some fabric for the dress that I'm making. I'd planned on using a certain fabric for this dress ... but it has this weird horizontal pattern that repeats every three feet or so, and so two of these bands are included in the skirt - one as the hem and one up near the waist. Yes, I'm that short.

So anyways, I only have three yards of this fabric and I thought I'd figured everything out to cut the front and back skirt, but I kinda messed up so that one corner of one panel is about 2"  narrower at the bottom than the other corner. I'm not quite sure how to fix this; I think I might just add a small piece there; no one will notice that.

I might also be able to reshape the panel a bit to fix it. Normally both the front and back skirts use the same pattern, and both are gathered at the midriff just above the waist. I'd already planned on making darts in the back instead of gathers and depending on how things go with that and with the size of the dress, I might end up taking the skirt in.

But of course I didn't want to have to figure out what will work with this limited fabric, so I ended up cutting the dress out in another fabric I have on hand. It's a stretchy, soft rayon-lycra jersey that's black with white circular flowers or lacy medallion thingies in a couple of sizes. It's pretty fabric (which is why I have it... all the fabric I choose is pretty. Some of the stuff I got with patterns and for free with other fabric may not be quite as gorgeous).

Anyways, after all that thinking and figuring out, I didn't want to sew anything (even though this dress is pretty easy; the hardest part is the neckband). So I went for a walk and then watched tv all evening. I hope to put this dress together tomorrow - and I honestly hope that I don't have too many adjustments to make.

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