Saturday, April 14, 2007


We saw 300 today. It was very good, although it isn't for the faint of heart. The story is of the Spartan king and 300 of his men fighting against the whole of the Persian army. The king has disobeyed the oracle and priests to take a stance in the best tactical location. I liked the story, for the most part, even though I don't think it has any basis in reality. The only thing that didn't make perfect sense was that if there were only 300 people fighting against a million, it should be fairly easy for the million to just keep throwing people at the 300 to exhaust them. Even though the 300 could kill, say, 1000-3000 in each battle, if you have a million soldiers you should be able to beat only 300 after a few weeks.

There's lots of fighting and carnage in the movie, which means that I wouldn't recommend this movie for young people or anyone with a weak stomach. The fighting choreography seemed very real. There was certainly a lot of blood spraying :) One thing I didn't like was that there wasn't much blood on the ground. With all of those dead bodies, there should have been blood all over the place, but there wasn't any. There was still a lot of realism around the battles, though.

The movie is based on a graphic novel and has the look of a graphic novel, in a way - there's something about the way the scenes are framed and the use of colours that gives it a comic-book kind of look. This does not detract from the film in any way, however - it might even enhance it. I liked the costumes and sets, too :)

So go and see this movie if you're interested in historical fantasy - it's quite good and quite realistic for the most part. We both liked it.

Oh!!!!!! I'm going to do a craft show on May 5 :) It's in Brantford at Pauline Johnson Collegiate, and I think it'll cost me less than $15 to get in. I'm so excited!!!!! It'll be my first craft show ever, and since it won't cost me much, I can see whether or not this is for me. I'm looking forward to it.


Darling Jee said...

Re "One thing I didn't like was that there wasn't much blood on the ground. With all of those dead bodies, there should have been blood all over the place, but there wasn't any."


Anonymous said...

I think the blood soaks into the ground pretty quickly. Anyway.....

So glad to hear you're in a craft show! Have fun and sell lots!
