Saturday, December 10, 2011

Walking the dogs

I think I mentioned before that we're looking after the neighbour's two shih-tzu dogs at the end of December. In order to be prepared to do this, we've been trying to take the two dogs out walking with Gozer. Tonight was out second full attempt and it went quite well.

One of the dogs didn't want to be out and kept dragging behind and turning around to go home until we reached a point where it was clear that we were heading home. After that, the three little doggies walked almost side-by-side ahead of us so we were treated to a view of two pom-pom tail bums and one snake-tail bum. The two neighbour dogs haven't yet learned the trick of getting the leash out from under them, which means that they can end up hamstringing themselves if we're not careful.

After the walk was over we brought the other dogs home and our neighbours invited us in for a bit. Those two dogs are spoiled! They have a huge toybox and a ton of pig ears and feet and other bones for their dogs to gnaw at. It turns out that Gozer also likes pig ears and bones. In fact, she got herself a bone and carried it around when she wasn't gnawing at it. That bone came home with us - she was awfully cute carrying it! Of course we won't let her have the bone when we're not able to supervise her in case there are spurs or anything.

The neighbours also have a ton of treats for their dogs and we ended up bringing some home after giving Gozer small pieces of each one. I tell you, if she goes over there to visit, she's going to get spoiled with food and bones and toys. She didn't do much playing with the other dogs but all three were quite content to hang out in the same room together.

As we walk the three of them more frequently, they'll get used to the way we walk which will hopefully make looking after them relatively easy.

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