Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lee Valley purchase

Lee Valley opened a store here in Waterloo a couple of weeks ago and we checked it out last weekend. I was able to buy some metalsmithing things and we got some garden stuff.  My favourite purchase was this pair of knee pads I bought and I used today while weeding and puttering around the garden.

I tried kneeling on a knee pad while weeding but I don't often stay in the same place when I'm out there and it was a pain to have to move it around. I didn't have any other knee pads so I ended up either kneeling on my bare knees or bending over and hurting my back.

These knee pads are thick and adjustable and they're quite large so on me they cover the lower part of my knee as well. I could barely even feel the different terrain I was kneeling on. I can't say enough positive things about these knee pads - they're awesome. They're also washable!

I know it seems sort of silly to write about something so small - like knee pads - but when a product like this makes a task like gardening so much easier, I figure it deserves some attention.

Besides, I want to brag about having a Lee Valley here in my region :)

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