Tuesday, June 01, 2010

One very lazy day

I think I overdid it yesterday. I remember finishing my walk and my chest feeling weird, almost as though I could feel where the lymph node biopsy had been taken.

I was also feeling sleepy today so I decided to take it completely easy. Even though it was a glorious day outside, I didn't go for a walk. I miss going for a walk .... it's so wonderful outside with the sun and the breeze and the growing things. I ended up feeling a little frustrated and sad later on in the day and I wonder how much the lack of a walk had to do with that mood change.

I also didn't do any sewing today. I thought about doing some sewing but I figured that if I started sewing, I would rush to try to finish it before I go away this weekend. I know me - it's exactly the kind of thing I would do even, though I don't need to actually finish anything before the weekend. Sure, it would be nice to have the dress for the weekend but I don't need to be done then; my plan is to have this and other dresses for the summer. There's no need to stress myself out over finishing the dress. Next week (or the week after) is good enough.

This evening Ian and I did some errands. I bought myself a lovely sunhat for my walking adventures. I walk a lot these days, as you know, and I also know that I'll be outside walking in Atlantic City. No matter where I'm walking I like to wear a hat to protect my face and neck from the sun. Normally I wear sunscreen and/or a SunVeil to protect my skin from the sun. I've decided to bring the SunVeil on my trip because I don't feel comfortable applying sunscreen over the incision  site. I'll be so stylin', wearing my big straw hat and sunveil while walking down the Boardwalk. :)

Speaking of my incision site, it's healing well. There's still a huge bump under the incision but I think it's going down just a bit. The little scabby bits are coming off fairly easily, too, and the edges of the incision are mostly staying together. This is a very good sign: I scar the worst when the incision edges don't meet while healing.

I won't be able to be quite as lackadaisical tomorrow because I need to get ready for my trip and that includes doing laundry. I do hope to go for a walk (wearing my hat and sunveil) to calm myself down and keep my mood even before I leave. I'm very excited about the trip and to see the people who will be there. I may not sleep so well tomorrow night :)

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