Saturday, March 20, 2010

They accepted my article

The article thingy I wrote has been accepted for the newsletter. I figured it would be accepted no matter what since they asked me at the last minute to write something for them and I don't think they had much in the way of a backup plan. Everyone who has read my article liked it.

I have a sense that what I gave them wasn't exactly what they thought they were going to get, however. They've all said that they were surprised by how open and honest I was in the article. I was asked to write about what the place means to me so I wrote about how, by participating in their programs, I've learned that I need not define myself by my cancer and that I've become happier as a result.

I wonder if they wanted something more about how awesome one or another program is, or if they wanted it to be all about them instead of about me and them. I don't know. I figured they wanted something that would make the place appeal to new people, which is why I didn't wax poetic about their programs. Instead, I described in a general way how their programs and activities helped me realize that I do not have to define myself by my cancer and how I've been happier as a result.

I tell you, writing can be exhausting! I slept late yesterday and had a huge nap this afternoon. I guess I'm not used to working like this anymore :) I haven't done formal writing for so long that it took me much longer to get that article written than it should have. At least I'm pretty well done with it. All I need to do is to go in on Monday to have them take my picture for the newsletter and to sign a release form. What a lot of work!

On the bright side, today was the first day of spring, although I wouldn't have known it watching the snow come down this morning :) Almost all of the snow we've had has melted and I hope we're leaving the snow and cold behind us. I'm looking forward to some warmer weather.

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