Saturday, March 06, 2010

Changes to my blog

Ian has done a whole bunch of work so that my blog is no longer being published by FTP. Thanks, Ian!

We set up the blog to publish to a custom domain that's hosted by Google instead of FTPing the content somewhere else.. What this means is that instead of us hosting and saving the content for, Google hosts and keeps the content for it. This should not make a difference on your end.

One advantage to this new setup is that I'm now able to take advantage of some of the newer blogger features like label clouds and whatnot. To take advantage of all that, I need to change stuff behind the scenes, especially if I want to keep this snazzy 3-column layout.

So if you come here and the blog looks radically different, please don't be alarmed. I'm just doing some testing and accidentally saved my "in progress work". Ooops. I expect to have everything looking and behaving well in the next few days.

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