Tuesday, November 24, 2009

More fabric for more sewing

I took the head coverings in this morning and they loved them! Another volunteer was there and she looked longingly at them and said that she would have loved to have had one when she had lost her hair. They even thought that the colour - black - was perfect because it was a classic colour and could be dressed up.

That set my mind at ease; I feel much better about making them now. I'll make some more this week for them.

Even though I'm heading to Toronto this weekend to find fabric, I bought some other fabric online today. My favourite online fabric store - Gorgeous Fabrics - is having a 26% off sale (since the US Thanksgiving is on the 26th) until Monday. I bought some classic, high-quality fabrics that I can put away to have on-hand for future projects. They have a ton of other gorgeous fabrics there, like inexpensive stretch crepe in tons of colours, but I figured that those fabrics will be there again and they weren't that expensive to begin with. The other fabrics I bought won't be there for much longer and I've never seen their prices this low.

Look at me, justifying my actions, when all I'm really doing is hoarding fabrics :)

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