Friday, March 14, 2008

My friend died

My heart is breaking. My friend Pat died last night at about 10pm. She was 42. It's a fact of life that if a person has breast cancer metastases, the mets will almost certainly be the cause of death for that person. Pat started out with bone mets in a lot of bones in June, 2005 and the mets progressed to her liver last year. She'd been on a downward trend for some months but I kept hoping that she would respond to treatment or that there would be some last-minute miracle that would keep her alive.

Pat was a wonderful woman, welcoming newbies to the bcmets mailing list and posting funny, irreverent messages there. Who could forget her love of chocolate, ice cream, and shopping... and her wandering eyebrows?!? :) She was a great peacekeeper and diffused many a hostile situation on the list. She always had words of comfort and listened to many, many people. She was very well-loved.

I'm grateful that I saw her before she died and that she was lucid the times I saw her. I loved her and will miss her very much.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear that your friend passed. Big hugs!!!

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry for your loss...your friend sounds like she was a wonderful influence and had a positive impact on those around her. It's too bad her life was short, but at least you had the honor of knowing her while she was here.

Take your time grieving,
Love you,

Anonymous said...

I feel for you and all that you have gone through in the past little while. We missed seeing you tonight, but hope that you are finding some comfort in your hobbies, loved ones, and friends. Let us know if you need anything.
Ryan & Stephanie

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you, and to your friend's family. You've had so much loss to deal with, and you've dealt with it with grace. I love you, Mom